Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Natalie Rose

Natalie Rose began with what we thought was a bladder infection, but what became a long night of a hospital transfer and scrambling to get ready for her because at 24 weeks 3 days, she was coming whether we were ready for her or not. Natalie was born on Tuesday, January 20th at 9:31 am, 13 inches long and 1 lb 14 oz. Doctors were pleasantly shocked, and Jimmy and myself were completely shocked, to hear her crying as they whisked her away for care. The fact that she came into this world breathing without aid was a huge boost and so far things have continued to go well. 

Within minutes we were hearing terms of "percentages of her chances" (the scariest words to hear in the world) and it was not until hours later that we heard her designation for the first time: Micro Preemie.

Simple definition: A micro preemie is a baby born weighing less than 1 pound, 12 ounces (800 grams) or before 26 weeks gestation. Because they are born months before their due dates, micro preemies face long NICU stays. Although many extremely premature babies grow up with no long-term effects of prematurity, others face severe health problems throughout life.

I promised my doctor I would stay off the internet, so that definition is all I will get from there.

After the NICU team got Natalie ready, they brought her over to me for about 15 seconds so we could see her before they took her off. We did not see her again for about 5 hours.

I will not get into the grisly details of how we went in "just to play it safe" at St. Clare's hospital at 10 pm Monday night and ended up with a newborn 12 hours later at Morristown Medical Center. I will just say how glad we are to live miles away from a nationally recognized NICU program, something we had never thought about or concerned ourselves with before. 

We got to see baby girl all set up in her new digs later on Tuesday. She looks a lot bigger in the pictures than she does in real life, but she is so content in her little nest they made, it makes us feel better every time we see her.

This is about 3 pm on Tuesday, January 20th. All happy and content in her new little home.

Only Jimmy and myself are a allowed to touch her and in very specific ways. For now just our presence, and her hearing our voices which she is used to helps big time they say. I have been trying to get my breast milk for her because according to currently held medical beliefs, nothing is healthier.

So, here is where you can get updates on the situation. God Bless Natalie Rose.

1 comment:

  1. She's a darling little lamb and it sounds like she is doing well. Hang in there and keep the posts coming.

    Barb Thomas
