Saturday, January 31, 2015

Eye-popping good day

Today was a pretty relaxing day. I don't know if it was because she had the same nurse for the 2nd day in a row or she just felt good, but we had a very low key day with a lot less of her alarms going off.

We got to do an hour of Kangaroo Care. And the nurse taught me that if her numbers ever started to go low, to rub her back and it would wake her up enough to get back up. It totally worked. Her machine would start beeping, so I would rub her back, and by the time she started whimpering at me (for annoying her) her numbers would be good again.

Enjoying some Kangaroo Care with Mama

The most exciting event of the day was when my aunt and cousin were visiting. We were peering into her isolette and all of a sudden her eyelid popped open. It was very exciting and we ran and got Jimmy who only saw it for about a half second before she closed her eye and went to sleep. We left about 20 minutes later and she was sleeping the whole time, but the way the eyelid unsealed, we should be seeing open peepers when we arrive tomorrow (I can't wait).

When she was born there was no pigment to her hair, so it was all white. Some of it still is, but we noticed the hair on her head is getting dark again. I love this because it is a sign that she is maturing and continue to develop like she should be.

You can sort of see the dark hair right under her cap

So, all in all it was a good day. We had another nurse tell us today she wants to ask to be her permanent nurse when she is in the unit. I am not sure more than 1 nurse can do that, but it is flattering that they all fall in love with our sweet girl (though considering she fights with her nurses every time they touch her, I do not think they believe she is so sweet).

As for us, we had a very relaxing day. The weekends are so low key, and without Jimmy's work we can keep a flexible schedule.

Side note: for anyone reading this who is or ever will be using a breast pump. The lactation consultant I spoke with yesterday gave me all sorts of tips, but the best was she told me about Pumpin Pals shields. Apparently some guy watched his wife struggle with those stupidly shaped cone shields and invented a better design. They are a smaller company so you can't get them in stores, but you can get them on Amazon. I had them overnighted and got to start using them tonight and let me tell you, this guy is a genius. A million times more comfortable and helped produce more milk, so I highly suggest, even if you do not have problems, to order them and give it a try.

Enough of my soap-boxing. I am very grateful for such a wonderful day and for being able to go to sleep feeling so positive. I know all days will not be this easy, but I hope most of them are.

Here is your daily dose of Natalie Rose:


1 comment:

  1. Miss Natalie Rose is absolutly beautiful!! What a fighter she is.....I continue to send her tons of positive strong healing energy!!! Stay well yourselves! ;)
