Friday, January 23, 2015

Going Home - Part 1

Yesterday, January 23rd, I was released from the hospital. Usually that would mean being out by 11 am, but they let us hang out until 6:30 pm and use the room as base while visiting Natalie. Not having to rush out was such a blessing and I cannot stress enough how amazing/understanding/incredible the staff of Morristown Medical Center has been.

They told us leaving would be hard and they were very right. Even though we have been spending nights on a separate floor from her, we were always with in a 10 minute walk from her. I do not think I ever truly understood the term "heartstrings" until Jimmy left the parking lot and I felt a physical pull through my body at leaving her. Needless to say, it was not a happy drive home.

We know she is in the best care and that we really need to concentrate on taking care of ourselves (easier said than done). Last night was at home was hard, but I can already see our routine and schedule unfolding that we will live by. I still have to get up every 2-3 hours to breast pump so I can bring Natalie what the NICU calls "liquid magic". So, we are in every way exhausted parents of a newborn, just in a different way.

We called to check on her twice through the night. The nurses are super patient with us and gave us good updates. They do not just tell us she is doing good, but give us details of the treatments they are using and how much oxygen she is depending on and stats like that.

Today is our first day visiting the hospital in the normal way we will continue to do for the remainder of her time there. We will see how our schedule works out, but are anxious to find a rhythm. They said within a week or two we should be able to hold her. Yesterday, they even let me change her diaper, which was nice. The hospital understands the psychological/emotional needs of the parents being involved and each day give us an update of how we are going to help Natalie Rose progress.

I called this entry "Going Home - Part 1", because we have every confidence that by the end of April or early May, we can post Part 2 celebrating Natalie joining us here in her home to sleep in her nursery and meeting her big, hairy dog Willow!

Some pictures -

 Natalie is under the UV light to help to keep her skin from going jaundice. You can't see her face here, but you can see all 4 of her tiny fingers fitting through Jimmy's wedding band.

Grandma and Grandpa Bassett arrived from North Carolina to meet their first grandchild.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful blog and beautiful baby. Wishing you all God's continued blessings. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. ❤️
