Thursday, January 29, 2015

Jan 28 - 29

I went home last night a passed out, so I am sorry if you missed your daily dose of Natalie Rose.

Yesterday morning Jimmy dropped me off and went into work for a 1/2 day. That is what we are doing for the rest of the week before next Monday when he goes back full time.

Yesterday morning's report was not great. She had a rough night. They ended up doing blood work that night that they were supposed to do the next day to make sure she had no infections starting. All her blood work came out good, so that is plus. They said it might have been as simple as one of her tubes was bothering her, and therefore she was having problems worrying about other things, like breathing.

Yesterday she had a pretty good day. She still drops her heart rate occasionally but the NIV NAVA is doing its job. We got to do Kangaroo Care for the 2nd time and she got some great quality time with her Mama, as she laid bare on me for 2.5 hours.

Apparently, these preemies have a hard time getting into a full REM sleep and that is part of why they do Kangaroo Care. While I was holding her she had a big heart rate crash that scared the living daylights out of me. However, they said, in its way, it was a good sign because while relaxing on me she got into a true deep sleep. The fact that she could do that was a great sign, but she was so asleep her brain shut off and it is not developed enough to sleep and keep her heart rate going at the same time.

Otherwise, she has a pretty uneventful day. By the time Jimmy came by in the late afternoon she was all settled back in her isolette and doing good. They usually do very well after spending time doing the Kangaroo Care.

Last night when we called in around midnight (we call in before we go to sleep for the night), we got a great report and this morning it has not changed. She had a great night. Very minor bradycardia and desaturations, they were able to up her feedings, and she had gained back all her weight from birth.

About 15 minutes ago, I luckily was in the room when the NICU team came to do rounds. So I got to hear them all discuss her stats and progress. They have everyone on these rounds, the main NICU doctor, the respiratory doctor, and other people I do not know what they do. All her stats were good, as they have been. They all raised their eyebrows and took notes at her numbers and steadiness. Asked me if I had any questions, which at that point I didn't. And Dr. Schenkman kept talking about how good she is doing and from everyone's reaction she really is. They are very happy with her progress and that by next week she should be getting full nutrition from milk and not need the extra tube giving her extra nutrition now.

So same old here at Morristown Medical Center. Here are some pictures, because that is the best part:

Kangaroo Care:

Just hanging out in her isolette:

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