Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day

This time last month, I joked with Jimmy that next year he would have two valentines. Well, we got to that a little earlier than we thought!

There is not much to update on with Miss Natalie. She is still on her higher levels of NAVA. They did up her feedings to 22 mls every three hours. They started diuretics for the fluid in her lungs. Yesterday they said she was puffy and it had something to do with some vitamins/minerals she is deficient of because she would have gotten them in the womb, so she is getting supplements for that. Today and yesterday have not been great days, she has been having more episodes with the bradycardia dips and desaturations. There is a lot going on with her all at once and it is hard for her to keep up. Basically she is acting like a normal preemie, but we have been spoiled with her all-star preemie behavior thus far. Almost every time she has multiple episodes at once there is something wrong. Usually either one of her tubes is out of place, she is filling her diaper, she has air in her belly or something like that. It is just one more thing for her to focus on and it is too much. It is good that it is usually happening for a reason and they are happy about the fact that she is not just doing it randomly.

Yesterday I was not able to hold Natalie because she was not doing great and the nurse wasn't comfortable taking her out of her isolette, which was a major bummer. Today I was able to do Kangaroo Care with her and she stayed out for about 3 hours. It was probably the best way to spend Valentine's Day possible. The nurse we had today is one we have had many times and we are very comfortable with her. She taught me how to tickle Natalie's feet (she does not find it amusing) when she starts falling in a deep sleep and her heart rate drops. I know I am doing a good job when she starts to kick me.

So now we are just waiting on the diuretics to do their job and for her to get strong enough for them to start lowering her settings and see if she can handle it this time. Nothing else crazy to add, but as I have said before, boring is the goal.

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day and stay safe in this crazy weather. We can't wait for the warmth of spring and for baby girl to be ready to join us at home!

Daily(ish) dose of Natalie Rose:

Kangaroo Time!
Also, my Valentine's present from Jimmy. July (Me) + April (Jimmy) + January (Natalie). Love our little family!

Stretching out while waiting to be tucked in.

Comfy, cozy baby girl.

1 comment:

  1. Day by day my sweethearts! Love the dail updates & also the necklace! GOOD JOB JIMMY. <3
