Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2 Weeks Later

Yesterday (Tuesday) I came in to a very passive baby. I was very positive having had two great days in a row and happy it was two weeks already because it made me feel that maybe 16 weeks would not be too bad. Then I changed Natalie's diaper and I joked about how she was not fighting me, she literally just laid there and let me do my thing. I noticed she was doing this with her nurses as well and to be honest it made me a little nervous. Where was my feisty girl? I told the nurse working with her for the day and she said not to worry because all of her numbers had been good. This was the first day of this particular nurse working with Natalie, so she didn't know her personality. She told me not to worry, her stats are good, and she was being a nice, quiet baby. I told her that was exactly the problem. When they did rounds that day, I made sure to mention it to one of the nurses that was on rounds with the doctors. She told me everything looks ok, but it is really good that I am noticing these things and they would keep an eye on it. So I felt better.

I got to hold her for two hours yesterday, I just held her regularly, not Kangaroo Care, because on Monday she kept desatting the whole time, but it was still really nice. Her desats and bradys are happening a lot less and seem to only happen at the end of her feedings, which they say is normal because her body is working hard to digest her food and loses track of her other systems. So we have been very happy with that. 

They took her pick line out and she is completely disconnected and off the IV. They also took her off humidity and raised her feedings to 15 mls. All in all, a lot has happened in a couple of days and it might take a few days for her to adjust. She lost 5 grams from her 2 lbs, but they said that was normal when they first go off their IVs and she should pop right back up. 

We had our first roommate yesterday. A pretty little girl who was born 6 weeks early who just needs some assistance because she gets too tired and decides to sleep rather than eat. She should only be in the NICU for a week or so. It seems they move these older babies often to accommodate the current nurses, so they are in the same areas of the wards and do not have to run around as much to watch their patients. I'll be honest when they rolled her in on Monday night as we were leaving, I started crying a little and Jimmy (to his credit did not go "Oh, what now?!") asked what was wrong. But just seeing that 5 lb, chubby, rosy, cherubic little healthy baby (who probably looks small compared to full term infants) made me a little sad and I will admit, a little jealous. Ah well, I am only human.

She was with us just for a night and a day before she got moved somewhere else. When I arrived on Wednesday they were bringing in a new, full term baby whose cry was quite impressive for his age. He was having eating problems though, so once he got his first taste of formula, he was happy. With his family things got a little crowded and I will admit a little stressful for me. I have been spoiled for two weeks with my own room where I could curl up in the only recliner and write my blog for you good folks. Luckily he was only with us for the day and when I came back tonight with Jimmy they were gone. 

Today, I was happy to see that Natalie was a bit more lively than yesterday. Still not 100%, but she put up a decent fight when I changed her diaper. The nurse promised she was being rude and hitting her, but it still was not full force. Later that day her doctor stopped by to check on her and I told her about my concerns. Her response?

"Well, I wish I knew you felt she was off yesterday. I was a bit concerned about her because her numbers were good, but just a little off. If I knew her behavior was different, I would have had them run tests to make sure she isn't fighting an infection." 

I kept myself really well composed, but in my head I was doing a bit of screaming about how I told my nurse and mentioned it to someone on rounds, but hey, I'm a pleaser, so I just smiled and nodded. We talked about how if I still felt she was off later today, they would run tests. So I learned my lesson that I should go directly to the source if I am concerned. I found her before I left and told her that she still wasn't 100%, that she was better than yesterday, but still a little off. The doctor says they have changed a lot for her, so she might just be adjusting, but they will run the gamut of tests tonight to double check. The NICU is big on "better safe than sorry". And I completely agree.

As for us, we are adjusting to our new schedule, or not adjusting, but surviving. I am trying to go in the morning until lunch time and then go home to get a couple of things done and meet Jimmy when he gets home for work so we can go back to the hospital so he can visit. I am probably not leaving early enough in the afternoon and going back after dinner is awfully tiring, but we will get used to it. I am already worried that time is going too quickly and in 4 weeks I have to go back to work (but at the same time I cannot wait for time to pass to she comes home - ahh catch 22).

Well, they are wheeling in a new bed, so it looks like we should be expecting a new roommate sometime tonight. Fingers crossed it is of the quiet variety.

Here is your daily (bi-daily) dose of Natalie Rose:

Daddy holding her hand as she gets her IV taken out


  1. Stick with your instincts!! I'm glad you spoke with her doctor about your concerns! Moms just "know" things about their kids! Sending love and positive thoughts your way!!

  2. Happy 2 weeks to Natalie! Keep fighting the fight baby girl! 🙏
