Wednesday, February 18, 2015

4 Weeks Later

Over 4 weeks have gone by and I cannot believe how fast time is flying, though if in a different mood, I would probably tell you it has been the longest 4 weeks of my life!

So, I left you all with the news about the PDA hole problem and to be perfectly honestly there is not much update on anything. She continues to have ok days (not great days, but not terrible) where she does well 90% of the time, and then has a couple of really low drops. I do not think this will change until her heart issue is successfully handled. They started her tylenol treatment Monday night and they will continue that for 7 days until they scan her again. Unless we saw a marked change for the better in the next few days (which doesn't sound like it happens that quick normally), we really won't know the status of the treatment until they scan her again next week. They did do blood tests to make sure she is accepting the medicine ok and all her results came back great so they can continue with it.

She is having a little bit of problems accepting all her feedings today. She always have what is called "residuals"that comes up a vent tube. Her residuals were larger than usual today. They warned us she might have to go on a breathing tube if this continues until her heart is healed. Basically they think the residuals are stemming from her respiratory problems (which stem from her heart problem), and it is so important that she gets her nutrition, they might put a breathing tube in to let her concentrate on that. Hopefully, this will not happen, but we shall wait and see.

Our little miss is growing like a weed and weighed in today at 2 lb 11 oz, which is amazing. She really looks twice the size compared to a few weeks ago. I feel like every morning I walk in and she got bigger. She was super tired today because the past few days have been crazy. They did her latest brain scan yesterday (which she whined and cried through) and it came out looking good. She likes to play with her tubes and swat at the nurses hands as they come into the isolette. She is such a feisty little girl and the nurses are all suckers for her.

She was moved to another room for the first time today. Her current roommate tested positive for an infection, so protocol dictated since she tested negative, that she be moved to a "clean" room. So, for the first time she is the new roommate to another baby. It was so incredibly weird after 4 weeks of being in the same room to be in a new one, but hey, I have a new view out the window (it is of a parking garage).

Jimmy and myself are doing pretty good. Yes, we're tired and yes, we're stressed, but we try to alternate who feels overloaded and who is the cheerleader for the day. It works half the time, but we're tough and we are very lucky to have a great support system with our family and friends.

So, not much new, but in general, a positive update.

And here is your daily dose of Natalie Rose:

Hanging out with Mommy

She always tries to move her head to get off her mask - here she got herself stuck with her face in my chest

Peek-a-boo! (Sorry its blurry, I do not have great selfie skills)

My sleepy girl

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