Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Home Sweet Home

Tomorrow will be 4 weeks since Natalie has come home. I cannot believe how fast time is flying. I am already done with 1 month of my 3 months off. Her doctor does not want her in daycare when I go back, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.

We are doing great. Natalie slid seamlessly into our home and never really showed signs of struggling with the transition. It has been us getting use to this new life we now have: who does which feeding, how do so many bottles get dirty so fast, why do wipes seem to evaporate at an astonishing rate, and hmm maybe we should pay those hospital bills. Happily these are the normal adjustments of any new parents and other than administering her medicine and all her doctors appointments, things have been pretty "normal".

All her appointments have gone well so far. We have seen her pediatrician (multiple times), her GI, her Pulmonologist, physical therapist and a visiting nurse comes once a week. Everyone is very happy with how well she is doing and a lot of the specialists we will probably lose after awhile. The Pulmonologist will probably stay with us because she does still do a lot of heavy breathing with her immature lungs and we have to wait and see when she gets sick for the first time (hopefully not for awhile) how her lungs hold up. He told us that preemies have a 50% chance of asthma, and with my family history of a lot of asthmatics, that he won't say she will definitely have it, but there is a very large chance. If that is the case, we will probably be with him throughout her childhood, but I really liked him so I am OK with that.

Natalie is now 9 lbs 6 oz. She is almost 5 months old, but 4 weeks corrected age. She is enamored with light fixtures and ceiling fans. There is no greater indignity than getting her face wiped or her diaper changed. The greatest offense she takes is to the wind when it blows ... I mean, really. We are still waiting for those adorable cooing sounds - but it is still mainly farm animal noises that come out of her. She curls up on anyone's chest and wraps her arms against them like a little tree frog and still has not noticed our 60 lb black dog that runs around the house after us. Needless to say, she is perfect.

So that is the deal. Now I am busy planning her full baptism (Baptism Part II) and am very grateful for the nice weather that allows us to go visit people outside so I don't get cabin fever.

My good friend, who also took pictures of Natalie in the hospital, came by last week to work her magic yet again. So, your dose of Natalie Rose, is extra special this time:

Mmm - milk coma

Love hanging with my Daddy

This is probably the most common face I see from her

Her princess chair. Full proof that my friends will be spoiling her rotten

This is really what she was like almost the entire shoot, thank goodness for pacifiers

The Nursery - beautiful wall mural done by Tracey Feller

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