Sunday, April 12, 2015

82 Days - Not That I'm Counting

I was waiting for Natalie to wake up and be extubated to do a new update because otherwise, there would not be much to say. Like last time she rode her ventilator for almost three days. On Friday, I was disappointed to find her still on it and was told the doctor wanted to let her dictate the schedule. I told them, I am not doctor, but in that case, she would be on it until next week. When she is on it she cannot make noise, so I would just see her squirming, go and check and see her face scrunched up like she was crying real hard, but no sound would come out. It is so pitiful, it is probably my least favorite aspect of the vent.

So to our surprise when we called in that night we were told she was extubated and back on her nasal canulla. It was a different doctor on that shift, who is a little more aggressive, and also Natalie almost pulled it out herself which could have proved dangerous if there did not happen to be a nurse in the room at the moment. We also got the good news that she was starting to get some output into her diaper. All good news.

We arrived on Saturday morning to a wide awake baby who had just had her first ever bottle. We were happy to hear they were starting her food again and to have it not in a feeding tube was just icing on the cake. It was only 5 mls which is like a teaspoon, but it was still something. These preemies have a really tough time coordinating sucking, swallowing and breathing all at the once so the nurses have very specific instructions on how to feed her. She was struggling a bit yesterday, so just the nurse fed her. I was so proud of her while watching her eat and at the same time thinking about how far she has come since that little 24-week squeaker she was a few months ago.

We spoke with the doctor, assuring her that we understand that nothing is guaranteed, about when she might be able to come home. We just do not want to be caught off guard if she comes home sooner than expected. The doctor said 3-4 weeks is a safe bet, which means we are back on schedule for around her due date in May. We are very excited, nervous and starting to scramble to get the house ready.

Today I got to feed her myself. There are all these little tricks on how to do it so she can learn to pace herself and she acted like she has been eating for months. It was such a nice feeling to feed her even though it only lasts for about two minutes. A little while after both feeds her heart rate dropped drastically. The first time freaked me out because I was holding her and not expecting it. She turned blue and the nurses had to come intervene. I was really hoping these things wouldn't happen anymore, but she is keeping me on my toes. Once it happened after the next feeding, they think she is having some reflux but promise that happens to a lot of preemies and they will keep an eye on it. 

Here is your dose of Natalie Rose:

After her surgery, on the respirator and resting
The Holy Grail, this is 5 mls of milk in her second bottle of her life
Not sure about this, oh wait, this is the best. thing. ever.
Resting on Mama for the first time post-surgery
My sweet girl


  1. Hang in there Jimmy and Brittany, Natalie will go home happy and healthy before you know it! Love- Arvind and Archana (Panth family)
