Thursday, April 30, 2015

One Hundred Days

Yesterday (Wednesday), was 100 days since Natalie was born and since we have been on this roller coaster ride in the NICU.

She is 19 inches long and weighs in at 7 lbs 8 oz (some of that is her retaining fluids, so take a few ounces off for a realistic weight). Natalie looks at you when you talk to her and turns her gazes on the different people in the room and checks them out. Losing her pacifier is pretty much the worst thing in the world, but nothing is better than curling up on a warm lap, be it family member or nurse. I would be lying if I said she makes sweet, baby cooing sounds. She grunts and can best be described as sounding like anything from a little piggy to an angry goat.

She is doing terrific. She is still struggling with eating and it is taking longer than we thought it would, but she is moving along. They keep raising her food amount and they try to bottle-feed her every other feed. If she seems tired, they just give it to her through her gavage. Sometimes she eats great. Sometimes she chokes on her food, turns blue and the nurse has to rush in to help her breath. That happened last night while I was feeding her and it scared the crap out of me (and my Dad and Jimmy). Any thoughts I had about wanting her home ASAP were lost and I am very happy with her taking her time. The nurses are not too concerned about these episodes. Their response? “She’s being a preemie”. I pointed out that tomorrow she will be 39 weeks gestation, so she really is not a preemie anymore. They laughed and said “once a preemie, always a preemie ... for the first 18 months anyways”.

I find myself absolutely in awe of her. She is so strong and alert. I have that I have blocked out a lot of the scary events of the past few months, but as she is getting stronger I cannot help but think of how far she has come in these 100 days. Driving home the other night, I started thinking about the weekend in February when she got very sick. I remembered how the night after her surgery we stayed at the hotel down the street from the hospital because we felt sleeping 20 minutes away was too far. I have this poignant memory that, unfortunately, I think will always be with me. After that terrible day of events, I decided I would try to relax and take a nice, long bath. Jimmy came in to find me hysterically crying in the bathtub. I was in almost a panic because I realized while soaking I washed the smell of her off my hands. I was inconsolable because I was so afraid she would not make it through the night and I would never smell her again. I drove home the other night crying at that memory. Crying partially because of the pain of it, but also tears of relief that our little girl made it.

So we trudge along on this journey. Hopefully, she will be home in the next couple of weeks, but I am not concerned with time as long as when she does come home she is ready. Her baby furniture arrived yesterday and we have started setting up her room. I cannot wait to welcome her into our life completely. The nurses tell me she is a morning baby and I am excited to see it for myself!

As for this blog? Today's post marks the 40th entry and we have had over 25,000 page views. Natalie is a lucky girl to have you all cheering for her and I am glad you have stuck with her story so far. 

Here is your dose of Natalie Rose, her new room's window does not get a lot of sun, so it is harder to get good photos:


Friday, April 24, 2015

3 Months

On Monday Natalie was three month’s old. Tuesday marked week 13. Wednesday, marked two months from her original surgery and she got her PICC line out. It was the first time since she was born that I was able to pick her up from her crib on my own. She is still connected to the monitors, but otherwise, she is wire free. It was a nice feeling of control to be able to take her out and put her back without having to wait for the nurse to come in to do either. 

Today she is 38 weeks gestation and weighs in at a whopping 6 lb 13 oz!

Tuesday I met the physical therapist that checks on the NICU babies once a week. A few of the nurses have mentioned her and how knowledgeable she is to help us when we are home. She explained that after preemie babies go home that they come in for check ups every few months for the first two years. However, with really little preemies (around 28 weeks or earlier) they do not wait for four months to evaluate their development, but start physical therapy right away. She explained that it is pointless to wait 4 months to find a problem when they could have already been fixing it. So Natalie will go home with a prescription for physical therapy once a week for the first four months and then they will decide whether she needs to continue it at that point. 

Yesterday, they ran full blood tests and found that her bilirubin and liver enzymes were a bit high. They assured us that this often happens when the baby is on TPN (IV nutrition) for a long time. It can sometimes correct itself, but there is medicine to help if it is needed. They are going to do an ultra sound just to double check that she is not having gallbladder problems, but they are really just doing that to cover their bases.  

Natalie has not been eating very well from her bottle. They told us it might be a struggle and it has been. She still has her gavage tube (feeding tube) in and when she is too tired they give her the food that way. Last week she was taking almost all of her bottles, but now that she is at almost 2 ounces every three hours, it seems a lot harder for her. The feeding specialist has been to see her a few times. Sometimes she is just too tired and they let her sleep; other times, she is so eager she sucks too hard and stops breathing. So right now they are only trying to bottle feed her at every other feed and she usually takes a little less than half.

Otherwise, she is doing great. She seems to get cuter everyday. She makes all those newborn cooing and grunting sounds, and blesses us occasionally with her little smile. When I come in after work she usually stirs to the sound of my voice and wakes a little to check me out, then contentedly goes back to sleep. She has a sweet disposition and her nurses seem to love her. In the new hall she is in, we mostly have new nurses who are just getting to have her for the first time. Yesterday, it was a nurse who was at her delivery and had not really seen her since. She could not get over this healthy little girl whose birth she was at and swears she has the same sweet little face.

As for Jimmy and myself, we trek on. The work, hospital, home and repeat schedule is getting old very fast. We trudged out of her room late Wednesday night and when the nurses asked how we were doing, my only response was "Day 92". They laughed and told us not to worry, only a few more weeks at the hospital and then our real work begins. I am just looking forward to actually being home, maybe I will get to cook a dinner or two! 

Here is your dose of Natalie Rose:

This is usually what I walk in to after work

It's ok, I rather sleep than eat

Chilling with Mommy
Kangarooing with Daddy (yes, Daddy is wearing my Kangaroo shirt)

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Showers of Love

Natalie is doing awesome. A month ago I would have been nervous to write that because it might jinx something, but those superstitions have left us as she has gotten stronger and healthier. We were told last weekend that if all goes well she would be home in 3-4 weeks. All is going well and I think she will be home before we know it - probably in 2 weeks not 3. They up her feeds every day and she is up to 35 mls, which is a little over an ounce every three hours. In the next day or two, she will be up to what they consider "full feeds" and then they can take her off her TPN, which is her IV nutrition. If all goes smoothly, she will then get her PICC line taken out which has been on the side of her scalp since her surgery on February 22.

Natalie is 6 lbs 9 oz as of today. She is taking most of her feeds by bottle, but they keep the gavage (feeding) tube in to give her the milk that way when she is too tired to use the bottle. She is like clockwork on her three hour hospital schedule and about 15 minutes before the hour starts stirring and/or fussing depending on how hungry she is. On Thursday, they took her off high flow (her nasal canulla) and she has been breathing completely on her own since.

Over the past week, almost every nurse and NICU staff member has stopped to talk to me when they spot me. They all just keep telling me how amazing she looks and how good she is doing. They have always kept a brave front for us, but in many of them you can see true excitement and relief at her progress. We were moved to "West St" in the NICU. In the unit there are 4 hallways (North, South, East and West Street) and she has been in South St since she has arrived. We spent 4 weeks in room 2 and then the past 8 in room 1. These two rooms are right near the entrance with the center desks and is apparently the loudest area. She was moved on Wednesday which is a big sign that she is on her way home. She was in the high traffic area where she was close to the doctors and staff if they were ever needed. She is now on the quiet hall where there are private/smaller rooms and not as much foot traffic. Obviously, her nurse is still tending to her and in the area just as much, but it is much quieter. Everyone told us how much we would like it there, but I guess after being in the center of it all for so long, it is a little lonely there. And to be perfectly honest, I am a really nosy person and like seeing everyone who comes through the door.

I left work on Thursday feeling sick with a cold and decided to go home and take my temperature before going to see her. The NICU basic rule is if you have a fever, stay away. I went home and sure enough I had a fever. By a few hours later, I had a 102.8 fever. I guess it was only a matter of time before I wore myself down, but I got hit hard. Usually when I get sick I ignore it go to work, but not this time. I stayed home, slept and drank tons of fluids. I went to the doctor to confirm it was viral and was told by him, the NICU and my OB (yes, we checked with everyone) that it was safe to see her 24 hours after my fever broke. This would have put me at earlier today, but I decided to play it safe and wait until tomorrow to go spend the day with her. It has been very hard not seeing her since Wednesday. Luckily, I have so much trust and love for the nurses, I do not worry about leaving her, but I did miss her. Jimmy visited her each day of course and she was fine, which is great, but part of me wondered if she noticed my absence. It is hard to know what they are aware of, but I am hoping tomorrow she will be relaxed and happy to have me back.

Another big event was both Grandmas got to finally hold their baby this week. My Mom came on Wednesday to hold her. She has been asking me just about every week since Day 1 when she could finally hold her and she was very excited when her time came. She did good and did not cry too hard, but teared up when she finally got to feel that little bundle of warmth and tell her "You know how much I love you, right?" It was a special moment and they hung out for some time while they switched her things to her new room. Jimmy's mom got to hold her on Friday night after she flew in from NC. I was still in quarantine but heard Grandma and baby were very happy, and Claire had a very wide-awake critter in her arms.

Today was my long- awaited, twice rescheduled baby shower. Originally it was supposed to be March 7th, but that was when she was supposed to arrive in May. We rescheduled it, but then when she got really sick, I asked my sister to cancel it and not worry about it until after her surgeries. I wanted to wait until we knew for sure she was coming home otherwise I do not think anyone would enjoy themselves as much. But today was a beautiful event, we got to celebrate our little miracle on the nicest day of the year so far. Everyone was very happy and there was just a general feeling of relief amongst the group. I cannot get over the generosity and love shown to our little family. We are truly blessed.

I have to thank my sister in all of this. After a couple years of trying and two miscarriages, when we finally got past that 1st trimester I was all over her about my shower. I was just so incredibly excited that this was finally happening. Then since she was born early I have changed my mind a million times, cry when I am not sure about something and in general am not always the most pleasant person in front of her (I mean what are sisters for?) Other than light teasing, she has taken it stride and along with my Mom and Sister-in-Law and Jimmy's Mom and Sister and my Dad threw me an amazing day. It was stressful on her, and I was a bit of a lunatic, and had to remind myself that she was dealing with all that while her baby niece (not just my daughter) was going through all of this. I know how I feel about my nieces and nephews, and cannot imagine watching from the sidelines.

So another super long post because it has been almost a week since I have updated you all. But I am so happy to be able to only give you good news. When we got home from the shower, Jimmy had a Facebook message from one of the NICU couples we have made friends with during our time. Their baby boy has had a long journey like Natalie, but with different challenges along the way. Both our babies got sick around the same time and we started to check in with each other. It was nice to have a friendly face to share our happy moments and our scary moments with. When we got home the message let us know that they were discharged today. I am sad we did not see them, but am so incredibly happy to hear he is able to go home and start his wonderful like with his parents. It made Jimmy and me very happy, and excited to have our own homecoming soon.

Here is your dose of Miss Natalie Rose:

12 weeks of our sweet girl

Newborn clothes are still a little big, but she is starting to fill them out!

Resting after a bottle

She finally got her hands on her! My mom with Natalie

Grandma Claire with Natalie wrapped in a blanket one her students made just for our girl

Sunday, April 12, 2015

82 Days - Not That I'm Counting

I was waiting for Natalie to wake up and be extubated to do a new update because otherwise, there would not be much to say. Like last time she rode her ventilator for almost three days. On Friday, I was disappointed to find her still on it and was told the doctor wanted to let her dictate the schedule. I told them, I am not doctor, but in that case, she would be on it until next week. When she is on it she cannot make noise, so I would just see her squirming, go and check and see her face scrunched up like she was crying real hard, but no sound would come out. It is so pitiful, it is probably my least favorite aspect of the vent.

So to our surprise when we called in that night we were told she was extubated and back on her nasal canulla. It was a different doctor on that shift, who is a little more aggressive, and also Natalie almost pulled it out herself which could have proved dangerous if there did not happen to be a nurse in the room at the moment. We also got the good news that she was starting to get some output into her diaper. All good news.

We arrived on Saturday morning to a wide awake baby who had just had her first ever bottle. We were happy to hear they were starting her food again and to have it not in a feeding tube was just icing on the cake. It was only 5 mls which is like a teaspoon, but it was still something. These preemies have a really tough time coordinating sucking, swallowing and breathing all at the once so the nurses have very specific instructions on how to feed her. She was struggling a bit yesterday, so just the nurse fed her. I was so proud of her while watching her eat and at the same time thinking about how far she has come since that little 24-week squeaker she was a few months ago.

We spoke with the doctor, assuring her that we understand that nothing is guaranteed, about when she might be able to come home. We just do not want to be caught off guard if she comes home sooner than expected. The doctor said 3-4 weeks is a safe bet, which means we are back on schedule for around her due date in May. We are very excited, nervous and starting to scramble to get the house ready.

Today I got to feed her myself. There are all these little tricks on how to do it so she can learn to pace herself and she acted like she has been eating for months. It was such a nice feeling to feed her even though it only lasts for about two minutes. A little while after both feeds her heart rate dropped drastically. The first time freaked me out because I was holding her and not expecting it. She turned blue and the nurses had to come intervene. I was really hoping these things wouldn't happen anymore, but she is keeping me on my toes. Once it happened after the next feeding, they think she is having some reflux but promise that happens to a lot of preemies and they will keep an eye on it. 

Here is your dose of Natalie Rose:

After her surgery, on the respirator and resting
The Holy Grail, this is 5 mls of milk in her second bottle of her life
Not sure about this, oh wait, this is the best. thing. ever.
Resting on Mama for the first time post-surgery
My sweet girl

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Quick Update: Successful Surgery #3

Here is just a quick update for those of you who are not connected via Facebook:

Successful surgery #3! So happy to finally have this behind us. She did very well. They reconnected her and also took out her appendix while they were there to prevent any complication in the future. She is resting comfortably and once her intestines heal we will be able to feed her for the first time not through a feeding tube. Thank you for all the well wishes - today was a huge step towards bringing her home!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

11 Weeks

The last surgery is tomorrow morning at 8:30 am. Natalie is having her intestines reconnecting and put back inside her (yippee!!). It has been seven weeks since she first got sick and it has been a long road, but once she heals she will be able to eat and make dirty diapers again. We are very nervous about tomorrow. This is the healthiest she has been before any of her surgeries, but I just hate the whole idea of her being on the operating table.

Natalie is 5.5 lbs and 17 3/4 inches long. She looks like a newborn now, not like a preemie. Size-wise she is more than ready to go home and I feel like every day I walk in she gets bigger. She is still off her CPAP and doing really well. They started her off on absolutely no breathing assistance and kept her that way for about 36 hours. The second day, she was still doing good, but they were seeing how much work it was for her and figured it was not worth stressing her body a few days before surgery. Since then she has been on "high flow" which is basically just a nasal cannula. She likes to play with it and fit both little prongs in one nostril because she is sassy like that.

After her surgery they will slowly reintroduce food to her as her intestines are healing. Then she will finally get to eat. All of her food up to this point has been given to her through a feeding tube. Last week they gave her a little sugar water (which she loved) when they did her vaccinations. It must have worked because she did not mind the needles at all. Other than that, even though she is 11 weeks old today, she has never had any sort of taste in her mouth. We are very excited to see her eat for the first time. I read online about NICU parents really appreciating the little things and it is seriously true. I am excited about getting dirty diapers again and watching my baby eat. I never would have thought that this was something I would be thankful for when I had a child.

I will update you all when Natalie is out of surgery tomorrow. Keep the prayers coming - they have done wonders so far!

Here is your dose of Natalie Rose:

Awesome picture that Grandma got this weekend
First time wearing real clothes! (preemie sized, not newborn)
Last photo with her stoma bag! And her just being adorable.
Waving to all her fans
Cozy girl with her Mama

Friday, April 3, 2015

Face To Face

Since I have returned to work, it has been hard to find time to write here, so I am sorry my posts have been less often.

Natalie has been doing really well and it has just been sort of a holding pattern until her final surgery. Her reconnection surgery is scheduled for this Wednesday. I am excited to get this done and get her ready to come home. When she had her original surgery they cut out the dead part of her intestines in the highest area, but they also saw a decently sized portion of dead intestines lower. They obviously could not cut her intestines into three pieces, so on Wednesday, they are not only reconnecting her, but also cutting out the lower problem area and reconnecting there. I am just ready to have her put back together again (it sounds like I am talking about humpty dumpty), but soon after that she will finally be able to eat. I am excited to see her taste food for the first time, since it has only come through her feeding tube, but I am sure she will love it.

I cannot believe that this past Tuesday marked 10 weeks at the NICU. Today was day 73 and she is now 35 weeks gestation. It is just a crazy amount of time and I remember how far away it seemed back in January.

Natalie has officially hit the 5 lb mark, she is currently 5 lb 1.7 oz. She does not look like a preemie anymore, but just a small baby (trust me, there is a difference). She is still loving her pacifier, will grab and clutch any finger that comes close enough to her crib and chews on her shirt sleeves.

Her most recent roommate was born last week and ironically has the same exact due date as her. They were both due on May 8th, but obviously neither of them made it even close. It is amazing to watch how different it is to be born a 34 weeker compared to a 24 weeker. He is eating really well and needs no support otherwise. Them being the same exact gestation date is pretty unique and the new doctor that came on started talking to the mom about both of them (I was at work) assuming they were twins.

Natalie has always had pretty good respiratory stats, but since her PDA ligation, she has been even better. They had been talking about moving her off her CPAP and onto High Flow which is the next step. Yesterday, they discussed it and decided since she would have to go on the respirator for her surgery next week that they would just wait. So, I was rather surprised to walk in this morning and see that she wasn't just not on her CPAP, she wasn't on anything. Her nurse said when she took her off her CPAP for a couple of minutes to clean up her face and equipment (this is normal) that her stats were so good, she kept her off the CPAP for a few more minutes while she was there. Natalie continued to do real well, so she went and talked to the doctor and they decided to leave her off and see how she does. She did great and was so incredibly content to finally have that mask off her face.

Whenever she has gone on the respirator for her surgery we have always loved seeing her little face. It was so nice to not only see it, but it to be because she was doing well enough not to need the support and not because she was on the breathing vent because she was sick or in surgery.

So, everything is going as well as we could hope. Someone donated a bunch of brand new clothes to the NICU today and I got to pick out a cute little Easter outfit for her. I have run into so much goodwill there, it is quite amazing. I am hoping that after her surgery and recovery, it will be smooth sailing and just a few weeks of her getting stronger and that soon we can bring her home to reboot our life that has been on hold since she has been in the hospital.

Here is your (weekly) dose of Natalie:

So content without her CPAP

Hanging out with Mama
Watching everything going on around her - what a big girl!