Friday, March 13, 2015

Natty Rose - Day 52

Boring days. We have had a few boring days which is really exciting. I hope to have many more. She has continued to do very well and they have been bumping up her feedings. She is about halfway to where she needs to be to take out the IV so hopefully she continues to keep her food down, knock on wood. By the way, the doctors/nurses say 'knock on wood' here all the time and then they spin around looking at all the sterile plastic and then just shrug and knock on it. 

It seems like if she continues to keep her food down and there is no signs of a partial blockage anymore then they will hold off on fixing her PDA. Her surgeon is back on Monday and I think they will have a consult with him and see what he thinks, so we will see what happens then. 

It has been almost 3 weeks since her surgery and they said it would be about 6 weeks until they did her second surgery where they reconnect her healthy intestines. So, I guess we are halfway there. I know they mentioned that they wanted her to be at least 4.5 lbs. She is currently 3 lb 11 oz. They had to give her a diuretic to get her to lose some of the water she was holding onto, so it is hard to say what her real weight is, but it brought her down from 3 lb 13 oz. 

I have been holding her everyday. I really have to plan out my days, because once they put her on me, I am down for about 3 hours, which I love of course. On Wednesday, I was holding her and it had only been an hour when she freaked out. She usually just passes out on top of me, but she woke up and started screaming. She had a full temper tantrum with her face turning red and banging her fists on my chest. Her heart-rate skyrocketed which I guess happens to anyone who gets real upset, but we just aren't hooked up to a monitor to know. They checked to see if anything was bothering her and moved her position, but she was not having it. They moved her back to her isolette and she calmed down immediately. I assumed she was just mad I ran into work to visit for a couple of hours, but who knows. The next day she hung out with me for almost four hours and they had to peel her off of me, so I guess we'll never know what was bothering her that day.

So, all in all, a good report for the little miss. I hope I am reporting the same in a couple of days.

Everyone enjoy their St. Patty's Weekend!

And here is your dose of the ever growing Natalie Rose:

Being Angelic.
One of her doctors joked that they had to keep the boy babies from sneaking into her room because she's so pretty.
He probably makes that joke to every baby girl's parents, but I think she's pretty cute.


  1. So great to read this!! Love to all!!

  2. She's visibly bigger and, therefore, stronger and more hearty. Go Natalie!
